Monday, November 15, 2010

Crushes: new in town

When six boys moved to Indiana we created quite a stir. My oldest brother loved it. So did the corner Custard stand next door to where we were renting while our home was being built. Seems the girls in town were making more visits to get ice cream than in previous years.

I didn't hardly notice at first. I was too busy wrestling and having water fights with my brothers. Then one day a cheerleader in my grade asked why we all had our shirts off when they passed by our living room window a couple days prior. Suddenly it occurred to me that girls like to meet the new guy(s) in town. My older brother noticed this much quicker than I and was already running with every lead including the aforementioned cheerleader.

I had had several crushes through the years but nothing worth noting. Grade school crushes for me were usually just me thinking this girl or that girl was cute and her then not noticing me. Either that or I mistook other giggling girls for making fun of me rather than realizing that they were turning red at how cute they thought my actions were. At any rate, being a new kid in a small town, in middle school, you hear quickly who likes you. The problem is you don't know anyone from anyone else and everyone wants to know who you will choose. Well, I figured dating could wait until I could drive, but I didn't figure those interested when I was twelve would hold my indecision against me when I was sixteen. But I didn't know if I liked these admirers whom I really didn't know back when I was twelve, so I chose no one, or did I?

There was a girl I really liked. I knew her least of all as I didn't have any classes with her that first year. She was a little more discreet about her interest in me but she had a cool sidekick as a friend who was working behind the scenes. She introduced us at the park and encouraged things. Again, I kept thinking what do you do with crushes anyway? Usually the girl you gawk at doesn't show interest back. I remember them standing behind the back stop several times when I was up to bat in my baseball games. That was nice! I struck out a lot with her watching. I remember them inviting me over for flashlight tag on a Sunday and learning how dear to my family religion is as I don't play on the day of rest. Looking back, I only wish I would have at least reciprocated their efforts by taking my turn to invite them to a party I should have thrown for all my new friends, but I was too shy to do it back then. I really did like her but she found herself a boyfriend who could give time to her at an earlier age than I was willing to. Oh well! It was nice to have a crush on someone who felt it back.