Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Date: getting after prom tee-shirts

The nicest girl, with the nicest smile asked me out for Junior Prom. I know, I know, and if you knew how many hints she had dropped, you especially might think it should have been me asking her out. Forget how much I liked her friend, the bait, who waited until the last moment to reveal her newly acquired boyfriend and would-be prom date.

More than me being shy about asking a girl out, the reality is that I thought I needed to like a girl in a certain way, and know that the girl liked me in that same way, before I would ask her out. This wasn't a pre-requisite, however, taken by my prom date. Maybe she thought my advances toward her friend really were for her.

At any rate, she jokingly asked me out in the lunch line with a bunch of mutual friends around us, which took me by surprise. I didn't really know if she was being serious. She gave a hypothetical that if neither of us had dates for prom we should just go together. I sloughed it off at first, telling her something about how I was going to start looking for a date for Senior Prom. I embarrassingly, have to admit, that it took her twin brother telling me that she was serious, for me to realize how I might be really hurting someone. I walked up behind her at her locker at the soonest opportunity and whispered, "I guess I need to find out where you live, so I can take you to prom," which elicited a big yell of excitement and a hug.

Maybe my first date ever was meant to be with just a friend. I was comfortable enough, after all. I was ready to have a fun time. She, on the other hand, was a little more nervous trying to make a good impression, and not her typical chatty self. We were just getting after prom tee-shirts on this day, so that was going to be easy enough.

The two main things I remember from the date:

1) The key to the geo metro I was driving was broken off in the ignition. My family always stuck the half key in to start the car so know one would suspect anything, but a screwdriver could have worked just as well. When we went over railroad tracks the key popped out next to her feet. She screamed. And I calmly asked her if she could give me my keys back, though as long as I didn't stall the car it was running just fine. We had a good laugh over that and my family's secret was out.

2) Guys can't shop in the girls section for tee-shirts but girls can wear guys tee-shirts so we saw a lot of shirts that I liked, but none she was too crazy about. She is a really caring girl because she saw how much I liked a particular soccer shirt and then insisted that we get those shirts.

Looking back, I wish I would have insisted that we spend more time finding a shirt she would also want to wear in the future.

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