Monday, September 20, 2010

Crushes: crazy crush on me

Though I didn't date much in high school, it was not for lack of interests. I was not interested in dating until I could drive, however, so I could properly pick the girl up and really go out. It was always funny to hear about people "going out" who really weren't going anywhere. There were several girls who either had a crush on me or I on them, but apparently it didn't last long enough for us to come of age to do anything about it. I'll have to write about crushes I have had, but today I write about a girl who had a crush on me.

She was crazy! No really. When a girl brags in the locker room to all the other girls about how she has been with a guy, she smells of cologne splashed all over herself, and she literally has your name tanned across her belly, that is crazy. I've never had the urge to do any of that for a crush. Of course, being my reserved self it was obvious to all my friends that this girl was out of her mind. Word got back to me. Thankfully it was more funny than anything, but I can't say it wasn't a little bit freaky, and I had to wonder if she was harmless. It's funny to look back on now.

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